Construction Vibration Monitoring

Party wall monitoring during demolition, piling and construction works

Air Quality / Dust Monitoring

MetOne ES-642 & DM30 Dustsens Dust Monitors for long or short term monitoring on construction sites

Construction Noise Monitoring

Class 1 Noise Monitors for long or short term monitoring on construction sites

Building Vibration Monitoring

Accurately pinpoint and diagnose the source of vibration entering a building

Machine Condition Monitoring

Vibration analysis of all rotating machinery such as motors, gearboxes, pumps and fans

Thermal Imaging Services

Surveys on distribution boards, switchgear, control panels, motors & gearboxes

Norwich Castle Vibration Monitoring

Project Overview

Norwich Castle in Norfolk were holding a ‘Big Boom’ spectacular firework display which lit up the skies over the Castle in July 2016 for the Lord Mayor’s Celebration and all the fireworks used in the display were fired to the beat of music to make it a more exhilarating show with thousands of fireworks going off in the space of a few minutes to create a really high impact show with a big finale.


Norwich Castle was built by the Normans as a Royal Palace 900 years ago and the Museum houses fabulous collections of fine art, archaeology as well as the Royal Norfolk Regimental Museum collection, Costume and Textile collection and Natural History Collection, with approximately 3 million objects in the collections

Vibration Monitoring Services Ltd were approached as there were concerns that the large firework display may have a detrimental effect on the sandstone structure during the display and to carry out a survey to monitor the vibration levels over a period of a week, prior to, during and following the firework display to determine the vibration levels in locations around the Museum.

Scope of Works

This was to install equipment which measures and records both the maximum vibration levels and the vibration frequencies in x, y and z directions at key locations within the Museum and set the monitors to collect data continuously throughout the week covering the Firework Display, once the data had been collected it was then downloaded and analysed to assess the effects on the building.

The data showed the fireworks to have an impact on sections of the Castle; the vibration amplitude levels compared to the frequency of vibration put the overall vibration levels within the British Standard Guidelines.