Construction Vibration Monitoring

Party wall monitoring during demolition, piling and construction works

Air Quality / Dust Monitoring

MetOne ES-642 & DM30 Dustsens Dust Monitors for long or short term monitoring on construction sites

Construction Noise Monitoring

Class 1 Noise Monitors for long or short term monitoring on construction sites

Building Vibration Monitoring

Accurately pinpoint and diagnose the source of vibration entering a building

Machine Condition Monitoring

Vibration analysis of all rotating machinery such as motors, gearboxes, pumps and fans

Thermal Imaging Services

Surveys on distribution boards, switchgear, control panels, motors & gearboxes


Vibration monitoring of commercial buildings is one of our specialist areas here at 'Vibration Monitoring Services Ltd'. There are many factors which cause vibration to be felt within a building and vibration monitoring is an excellent tool to discover the cause. Almost any building can suffer vibration and a building's structure can be affected by the duration, amplitude and frequency of vibration.

Possible Causes of Building Vibration

A building can suffer from vibration if construction works are being carried out near to the building, these construction works could be piling, demolition of structures, excavation and heavy machinery travelling past the building. 

Other factors that cause vibration to a commercial building is maintenance issues with AHU’s chillers, pumps or rotating equipment being run within the building. 

Building vibration cannot only affect the safety and structure of a building but can also cause distress to any of the building’s occupants. By undertaking building vibration monitoring you can assess the cause of the problem.

Monitoring Building Vibration

When measuring vibration in buildings our vibration monitors measure the acceleration, displacement and velocity of the vibration, helping us to detect the cause of vibration.

We are able to offer a quick installation with up to date vibration equipment on site with the capability to take measurements through vibration monitoring by our expert Engineers. 

All monitoring is conducted to the relevant British Standard (BS 7385-2:1993 Evaluation and Measurement for vibration in buildings. Part 2 - Guide to damage levels from groundborne vibration) and we can tailor vibration monitoring according to your requirements and specifications.


Contact our Vibration Experts Today

For more information about vibration monitoring please contact our friendly team today on: 0208 108 0440.

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